divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011
Ramon Tremosa (Catalan MEP) Vilified for Speaking English
Spanish members of the European Parliament vilified a Catalan congressman last Wednesday, November, 16th for speaking in English. Ramon Tremosa, a member of the Catalan centrist party CiU was speaking in English concerning an amendment, when two PSOE congresspeople began to shout: “In Spanish, in Spanish, you speak better in Spanish.” PSOE will be the ruling party until the upcoming November 20th elections, when PP, the ultranationalist Spanish party, is expected to win by a landslide. Tremosa wondered whether this is what it was like to be back in 1939—the year when Spanish fascists won the war. Another Catalan congressman from the leftist ICV-EUiA party said: "I was there. It was a really pathetic and unpleasant situation.” What's interesting is that Spanish is not a working language at the European Parliament, but English is. So, in essence, these Spanish zealots were trying to impose a non-working language. Nowadays, there are three working languages in the EU: English, French, and German. Why is it that Spanish supremacists do not shout at British, French or German members when they use these languages? Because they are bullies who only dare attack those whom they perceive as weak
dissabte, 5 de novembre del 2011
Would you prefer a black, gay, or Catalan son?
"Would you prefer to have a black, gay, or Catalan son?". That was the question asked of a participant on a TV show on Spanish TV on October 18th. In the original, the question was: "Si tuvieras un hijo, qué preferirías: que fuera homosexual, que fuera negro o que fuera catalán?" which translated means "If you had a son, which would you prefer: that he were gay, black, or that he were Catalan?"
The xenophobic question was aired on Tele 5, a channel that has also signed a manifesto against other languages in Spain other than Spanish. The text argues that the Spanish language is superior to Catalan, Basque or Galician because it can be understood by all the Spanish people. It forgets that the Spanish Constitution obliges all Spanish citizens to know Spanish, as Franco had done (Franco also forced everybody to use it,) and that all the languages are equal.
Only two weeks ago the same channel broadcast a program about Catalanophobia in Spain. The program showed some examples of the hate that many Spanish people have against the Catalan nation. The question of this article shows that Catalanophobia is rampant. It's a pity that Catalans, and other social minorities, have nobody to go to for justice when TV channels show homophobia, racism or Xenophobia/Catalanophobia.
diumenge, 30 d’octubre del 2011
Spanish Terrorist Runs Over Two Catalan Boys
A former member of Spanish the nationalist party Partido Popular, Juan José García Mora, placed a Republican Spanish flag (forbidden since the restoration of democracy) at the entrance fence of the Masquefa’s local council, where he lives. He waited, hidden in his car, for a reaction. As two Catalan young men (one of them a former local councilor), took it away the terrorist hit them with his car. This seems to be a method copied from Israelian settlers and Palestinians too, but Spanish terrorists had never used it before. After hitting them with his car he stopped his car and got out of the car to beat them. The boys are in hospital now with several broken bones and one of them even needed to be operated.
In fact Spanish terrorism has been very active lately with six attacks but nobody had been injured up till now. There is a growth in terrorist acts against Catalans as a result of the growth of the pro-independence movement nurtured by the Spanish economic fiasco. The terrorist had been detained but he has been released again. Masquefa’s local councilor condemned the terrorist attack. This happened during the day of Hispanidad day in which Spanish nationalists celebrate the union of Spain and its supremacy within its territories.
In fact Spanish terrorism has been very active lately with six attacks but nobody had been injured up till now. There is a growth in terrorist acts against Catalans as a result of the growth of the pro-independence movement nurtured by the Spanish economic fiasco. The terrorist had been detained but he has been released again. Masquefa’s local councilor condemned the terrorist attack. This happened during the day of Hispanidad day in which Spanish nationalists celebrate the union of Spain and its supremacy within its territories.
divendres, 28 d’octubre del 2011
Spanish Unionists desecrate executed Catalan president memorial
Photo: ACN
Three Spanish Fascists have been detained on October 12th to desecrate the 123rd Catalan President Lluís Companys memorial. Companys was executed by the Spanish Fascist regime on October, 15th 1939. He was shooted while crying “Per Catalunya” (For Catalonia). The unionists could not wait until October 15th and they acted on October 12th which is the Spanish Day. In fact it is usually called “Day of the Race” because many Spanish unionists think they are a superior race. It was taught at the Spanish schools from many decades. Spanish terrorists have been detained They were taken by local police when there were traveling with the Companys bust in his car. The desecrate of monuments is a method copied from Northern Ireland unionists. Spanish terrorists have used it many times before. Companys memorials have been attacked several times were he was executed (Montjuic castle, in Barcelona) and Blanes. Usually criminals are not detained but this time they have been wrong. Anyway it is feared that Spanish prosecutor will not demand any charges for them. And, once again, Spanish terrorists will be released
dimecres, 21 de setembre del 2011
Spanish Unionists Deface Pro-Independence Monument with Nazi symbols
In 2009, the village of Arenys de Munt erected a monument in remembrance of the beginning of the democratic process towards independence. It was in this village that a popular referendum was organized asking the people whether they would like to see an independent Catalonia. What is more democratic than a referendum? The results were clear: 96% in favor of independence.
This local referendum led to a grass-roots movement which ended up organizing hundreds of similar referendums across Catalonia in the following months. The result was high voter turnout and a clear support for independence. Catalonia’s president himself voted in the referendum. He voted in favor of independence. Barcelona’s current mayor did so as well.
Last year, Arenys erected the monument and commemorated the beginning of this process with a big gathering. The second meeting is to be held this coming weekend.
The night before the Catalan national day, on September 10th, a Spanish unionist gang attacked the monument. Spanish unionists have always been linked to Fascist and Nazi groups. In the past, many Spanish unionists fought on the Russian front with the Nazi troops in the so-called Blue Division. Spanish unionists do not embrace democracy. Moreover, if they see democracy in connection to Catalonia, they think it means self-determination, and they hate it when Catalans are free to choose their own destiny. True to this logic, they painted swastikas on the monument, messages in favour of a unified Spain, and messages against independence. As usual here, those against independence use Nazi symbology.
This local referendum led to a grass-roots movement which ended up organizing hundreds of similar referendums across Catalonia in the following months. The result was high voter turnout and a clear support for independence. Catalonia’s president himself voted in the referendum. He voted in favor of independence. Barcelona’s current mayor did so as well.
Last year, Arenys erected the monument and commemorated the beginning of this process with a big gathering. The second meeting is to be held this coming weekend.
The night before the Catalan national day, on September 10th, a Spanish unionist gang attacked the monument. Spanish unionists have always been linked to Fascist and Nazi groups. In the past, many Spanish unionists fought on the Russian front with the Nazi troops in the so-called Blue Division. Spanish unionists do not embrace democracy. Moreover, if they see democracy in connection to Catalonia, they think it means self-determination, and they hate it when Catalans are free to choose their own destiny. True to this logic, they painted swastikas on the monument, messages in favour of a unified Spain, and messages against independence. As usual here, those against independence use Nazi symbology.
dimarts, 30 d’agost del 2011
Spaniards insult the Catalans in NYC during the World Police & Fire Games
From August 26 to September 5, New York holds the 2011 World Police & Fire Games (WPFG),—the second largest multi-sport event in the world, surpassed only by the Summer Olympics—with the participation of police and firefighters teams from all over the world.
During one of the events, the Catalan team built a human castle—a Catalan tradition recently recognized as inmaterial world heritage—and raised the Catalan flag that symbolizes self-determination and independence, while the Spaniards in the event started shouting, whistling and insulting the Catalans, as seen in the following video.
This is not an isolated event. A couple of days ago, for instance, Cesc Fàbregas, player of F.C. Barcelona, celebrated the winning of the European Super Cup with the same type of flag. Some Spanish TVs made a big deal out of it and falsely said that the flag is not legal. In Twitter, the hashtag #CescMuerte (Cesc Death) became Trending Topic in Spain
dissabte, 6 d’agost del 2011
Spanish flags only. All the rest forbidden.
The Football Spanish Royal Federation (RFEF) has forbidden all the flags which are not the Spanish one at the time of collecting an eventual trophy. From now the sportsmen of the combined state of football cannot carry any flag except the Spanish one.
Last July 31st the sub19 Spanish team won the European Football Cup. The Spanish coach, Ginés Meléndez snatched the Asturian flag to one of his players, just a kid. It was done in bad strength manners. After the controversy generated as for this coward action the RFEF has determined that from now are forbidden all the no Spanish flags. The federation only will tolerate "to the celebrations to the lawn or to the corresponding sportive terrain, but never during the delivery of the prize in case of victory." Meléndez has said that the kid “could not go up to the podium to collect the trophy with autonomic flags".
Some people opened a petition to consider Meléndez persona non grata (a not welcome person) in Asturies. Some Spaniards also think that the measure of the RFEF is that of a fascist state.
divendres, 22 de juliol del 2011
Spanish Fascist Dictator is still València’s Honorific Mayor
Francisco Franco was the Spanish nationalist dictator from 1939 until his death in 1975. Spain is still a haven for fascists. For instance, Franco continues being the honorific mayor of València. An honor that he shares, on the other hand, with another fascist from Spain, Rincón of Arellano. Both of them are well known by their hate against the Catalans. The Valencian consistory distinguished him with this title the year 1939. Nowadays the City Council, which is governed by the Partido Popular, continues to honor Franco’s memory. Curiously, the same party has forbidden Catalan TV, closing TV signal boosters; it has forbidden cultural demonstrations, like last April's concert by singer Lluís Llach against the same closing of TV antennas; and is prosecuting schools for using Catalan instead of Spanish.
The mayor of Valencia, Rita Barberá, does not seem very willing to withdraw Franco's honorific title. In fact the PP already has denied to approve similar resolutions to Xàtiva, Alacant and Castelló, three towns where they have refused to withdraw the similar distinctions.
Rità Barberà, the current mayor of València, with President Camps who is involved in a corruption case and will be judged soon
diumenge, 17 de juliol del 2011
35.000 people demonstrate for independence convoked only by social networks
First it was a joke. If last year about a million Catalan people demonstrated to defend self-government...why not to demonstrate this year for independence?. Social networks were the only way to convoke people because autonomist parties were against a new demonstration. So the people convoked the people, without parties. First by facebook, then by e-mail and twitter and finally some parties (none of the biggest) gave support to the demonstration.
It was convoked on July 9th in Barcelona. About a thousand people were expected. Mass media ignored the march and some independentists too were against the march but 35.000 people marched by the Barcelona’s streets. The slogan was clear: “For our future: independence”. The organizers were anonymous citizens worried by the Catalan’s decadence in the Spanish State. Actor Quim Masferrer and veteran freedom fighters as Dr.Moisès Broggi and Dr. Oriol Domenech closed the march with vibrant speaking. With them there was Heribert Barrera, former Catalan Parliament President. Barrera said two things: all Catalan pro-independence parties should be united and secondly there should be a Catalan boycott to Spanish institutions.
The reasons behind it are many: Spain is against Catalan language to become an official one in the EU, Spain is a hungry thief who stoles 22.000 M € every year and spent it in megalomaniac projects: a train for only twelve people, the Madrid’s Olympic Games candidature, the fact that some Spanish regions have 25 % of people working as public employers (in Catalonia it is a 10 %) or the continued prosecution of the Catalan language and absurd spending in Spanish nationalistic projects. Only an example: last year Spanish football team was the most well payed in the World Cup. Nowadays Catalan hospitals are closing to pay things like this. And Catalan people is tired. Something is changing.
dimecres, 13 de juliol del 2011
Free beers to MEPs to defend the Catalan language labels
The Catalan company Moritz has given a bottle of beer to each member of the European Parliament. The reason is to protest the recent EP's vote to maintain the rule that all labeling must be in at least one official EU language. Catalan is no official in the European Union besides it is spoken by more people than some official languages. In Catalonia, the rule means Catalan-only labels may not be allowed, since the European Union has refused to make Catalan official, despite being the language of more than 7 million people.
dimecres, 29 de juny del 2011
Spain squanders money in a pharaonic but useless railway
The pharaonic railway of High-Speed Train between Albacete and Cuenca has costed an enormous effort and has lasted 6 months in operation. The railway has just nine daily travelers when the forecast, proper of stupid people, was of 2.190 people.
In fact, both zones, as many others of Castilla, have no inhabitants to justify a railway of such characteristics. The travel of every person costs 1,100,00 € but the ticket is only 42,50 €. The works were as high as 3.500 million €. They began in 2001. All this money have been literally sent to the nowhere.
The Spanish company recognized that “it is a disaster”.
Nobody has resigned, as usual in Spain.
In fact, both zones, as many others of Castilla, have no inhabitants to justify a railway of such characteristics. The travel of every person costs 1,100,00 € but the ticket is only 42,50 €. The works were as high as 3.500 million €. They began in 2001. All this money have been literally sent to the nowhere.
The Spanish company recognized that “it is a disaster”.
Nobody has resigned, as usual in Spain.
dimecres, 1 de juny del 2011
dilluns, 30 de maig del 2011
The case of the Catalans: trip to Westminster
On Monday 13 of June of current year 2011 in the afternoon it is foreseen to go to the city of London in order to deliver to the Westminster Parliament the set of accessions achieved during our three months campaign All to Westminster, the case of the catalans.
It is foreseen a proposal including flight, transport and hotel and, additionally, several turistic and cultural activities will be arranged in London and its neighborhood so that we take maximum advantage of our stay in the capital of England.
The case of the Catalans
On 20th June of 1705, the City of Geneva, the Catalan commissioners Perera Domènech and Antoni de Peguera and the attendant of Queen Anne of England, Mitford Crowe, signed an agreement upon which the English Crown promised “a lifetime warranty to guarantee privileges and the Laws of the Principality”. These were moments in which the Catalan Nation was fighting against the Spanish and French troops to safeguard their liberty and their constitutional system, which was finally suppressed by the Nova Planta Decrees. Unfortunately, The British Crown,, did not meet the Commitment leaving the Catalan people at their own fate in absolute inferiority of the occupants. It was as early as 1714 that English deputies protested for what was called “the case of the catalans”.
On July 17th of the year 2010, fourteen deputies of the Westminster Parliament representing the people of Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England, delivered a motion to the British Parliament so that to approve a support agreement to Catalonia for the right to decide their own future and become a free country among the free countries of the world.
As a knowledge proof and recognition an accession collection campaign has been initiated and we will personally deliver it to the British Deputies. The accessions can be done through this web site casdelscatalans.cat.
We therefore invite everybody to access to the public pronouncement and make it visible to all those people wishing to show their acknowledgment for the support received which, no doubt, will mean the beginning of a new era to bring us to the international recognition of the Catalan nation.
dijous, 26 de maig del 2011
1.568 local councillors elected are pro Independence
Last May 22nd local councils were renewed in Catalonia. Catalan independence movement, in political terms, is highly divided. There were many lists from many parties: Esquerra, Reagrupament, CUP, Solidaritat, Identitat,... It supposed a set back for the independence voters. In spite of this there were elected 1.568 local councillors from independentist parties. Most of them (1.384) from ERC. CUP is the second on with a hundred councillors (up from 20).
From now on 17 % of the Catalan local councillors have been elected in lists which defend the Catalan independence. Two of them in tne main city, Barcelona, were Esquerra, Reagrupament and Democràcia Catalans formed a single list. Pro independence vote amounted 370.000 people.
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