dissabte, 3 de juliol del 2010

Aplec de la Plana, a good festival

The Aplec de la Plana is an organization totally independent, not tied to any political party or implied, to any other association, nonprofit, volunteer base that works with a strong youth and amateur nature. Even so, within a unitary act, they have gathered around this project, most organizations prefer our territory here in the Plana Baixa (Low Plain) an extremely important region of the Valencian Country. They are the Youth Cultural Action Valencia (ACPV), the PD yellow star, the Association for audiovisual Red Point, Tirant lo Rock Collective, Sonora Association Made in Onda, Onda Folk Group, the Association Helmet Historical Group WidgetLand Onda, Arteatre the SEPC, the Youth Assembly of the Plain (CAJEI), or the JERPV, Young Block (Bloc Jove) among others.

The festival has spent seven editions throughout the region, with a party that has been organized on various occasions in Vilareal or other locations as Borriana the villages, Almenara and this year will be held for the second time in Onda. It just tries to publicize and promote our culture in all areas, giving an overview not only from tradition but also with all the modernity and dynamism of our time, with a very varied range of activities, from visual arts, theater, correfocs, traditional dances or the dissemination of our writers. But if something stands for the Aplec of the Plain and attracts thousands of visitors for the quality of the bands involved. The festival overcomed more than 3,000 attendees in 2009.

This year the festival will be attended by: La Línia XYZ, Naia, Almorranes Garrapinyaes, Malnom, Rapsodes, Tom Bombadil, Pirat’s Sound Sistema (The Bitch Deaf).

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