diumenge, 5 de setembre del 2010

Solidaritat (Solidarity) elects candidates in primary elections

Catalan Solidarity for Independence (SCI) has chosen its candidate.
 It has been done with primary elections.
The movement was founded with the intention of creating a grand coalition Catalan independence.
The response of the existing parties has been negative and SCI decided to launch a new electoral list. The primary elections have been an historical step in Catalan democracy history, SCI says.

The movement is led by Joan Laporta (FC Barcelona former chairman) and prominent members from CDC (the party founded by Jordi Pujol), ERC and Reagrupament (meaning Rally).
The lists elected will be lead by Laporta, Hèctor López Bofill (from ERC), and Francesc X. Segura and Toni Strubell (from Rally).

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