dilluns, 26 d’abril del 2010

More than 500.000 people for independence is not a joke

More than half a million Catalans have already voted in any of the fourth waves of questions about the independence of Catalonia that were held in 13.09.2009 (only Arenys de Munt included), 13.12.2009, 28.02.2010 or the last one on 25.04.2010.
Over 90% has voted for the "Yes" to independence. This represents approximately 22% of citizens who were entitled to vote, about 2.3 million, which are all registered to one of the 461 municipalities that have made the query over 16 years and including people from outside Spain. Both cannot vote in the Spanish “official” elections. If we compare the last elections, it is noteworthy that the query without having all the municipalities in the Principality (missing more than half of the census), consultation longer than 4 of the 6-independence political parties are represented in the chamber Catalan, a figure only exceeded CiU and PSOE Queries have mobilized close to 30,000 volunteers who have worked without any monetary remuneration.

The fourth wave of consultation on the independence of Catalonia has managed to mobilize almost 20% of the electorate over 16 years (23% on the official census). In this 25-April 1.327.575 were called to the polls and approximately 250,000 have exercised their right to vote, has become a 92.64% in favor of independence from Spain, only 4 , 84% had not opted for the 2.22% of the votes were white and 0.3%, null.

4 comentaris:

  1. Estic estudiant anglès i sóc independentista.
    Així que treuré doble profit llegint-me el teu blog. (Fes-ho bé eh? confio amb tu ) :-)))

  2. Mercès per la confiança.
    Com deia en Guardiola: persistirem!.
    Has fet, penso, dues bones tries:estudiar anglès i ser independentista.

  3. Un blog interessant: indepe i explicant el nostre país al món, en la llengua que més gent entén. Aplaudiment.

    I follow you...

  4. Mercès. Tota explicació a l'exterior en altra llengua que el català pot ser doblement útil.
    Me too...
