divendres, 30 d’abril del 2010

All radio and TV of the Catalan area now unfied in one

In Països Catalans.tv you can see and hear 20 television channels and in països-catalans.fm you can hear 52 radio stations across the Catalan nation. What the policy has divided the network will join it again. With this motivation were born both webs, encompassing all television and radio stations that broadcast in Catalonia. For instance, you might hear from a single web programming Arrels Ràdio, in northern Catalonia, with a single click and go to listen Alcúdia Radio, broadcasting from the Mallorca island. Both portals are the work of Miquel Marzabal, who explained to directe who wants to put at the disposal of internet media all the Catalan countries, but 'without the constraints imposed on us by government-controlled and censored as of DTT. Portals Païsoscatalans.tv Marzabal inspired and created by Païsoscatalans.fm nederland.fm with, but go far beyond the Netherlands portal to 'transcend all borders and limitations imposed authorities. 'It seems incredible that in 2010 we still be talking this way, but it is', says the author of the portals.
Spain and France with the Catalans have tried more or less as they do with the Tibetans in China or Turkey with the Kurds, "says Marzabal who says' do not even have a violent oppression, oppression we suffer a lot more subtle but without pause.

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