dilluns, 29 de març del 2010

Northern Catalonia: only half of the population voted at all

There will be no Catalanist regional councillor at last. While the lists supported by ERC and CDC were defeated at the first round, the second one was won by the Frêche list. Frêche is a racist person who has been expelled from the Socialist Party by his racial comments against Jews, Catalans and Muslims. In spite of these Frêche is well appreciated by the French voters who are the majority in Northern Catalonia as well as in the Occitan region of Langedoc. The final results in Northern Catalonia were:

Frêche 75.442 49,31 %

UMP 46.979 30,70 %

FN 30.581 19.99 %

Being the UMP Sarkozy’s party, supported by Catalan autonomists from Unitat Catalana, and FN,the French Nacional Front, with an imperialist idea of the French state. These results are not the real image of the society because only half of the population voted being the turn out 51,5 %. Only one of two northern-catalonian voted. Is this democracy, at all?.

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