dijous, 13 de maig del 2010

Meeting of Majorca’s Schools in Catalan language

On Monday, May 3rd, its was presented at a press conference the agenda of the XXVI Meeting of Majorca’s Schools in Catalan language. It was celebrated in Petra on Saturday, May 8th, coinciding with the end of Correllengua. It is organized by the youth association Joves de Mallorca per la Llengua as well as the Obra Cultural Balear (OCB). The conference was attended by Rosa Barceló, Director of Language Policy of the island’s government.
The first ever trobada (meaning meeting in Catalan language) was organized in 1984. It brings together all schools that are teaching in Catalan and rooted in the reality of the country. The organizers have stressed that the meeting is for the entire school community, not just children, and that novelty this year is the arrival Correllengua (running for the language). For the occasion of Majorca 7,000 school classrooms have been doing community work that is subject to sustainable mobility, and a drawing that consisted of a sustainable means of transport done by each child. It is expected that all drawings be done with a giant mural.

At night there was a toast and a popular rock concert performed by the Majorcan Volvox, the Valencian Aspencat, Brams (popular band which resumes in Majorca after their performances years of silence) and Lax'n'Busto, leading the Catalan rock band. Thousands of people attended the event.

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